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 The Shane Graber Stove
 Editor's note: make your pot stand page

Make Your Own Backpacking Pot Stand


The following materials will be needed to make the potstand:

  • Tin snips
  • Metal file / medium to fine grit sandpaper
  • Ruler
  • Section of either 3" or 4" diameter dryer vent pipe
  • Marker


STEP #1:

Cut a 2.5 inch length of dryer vent pipe using the tin snips. This can be accomplished by uncurling the stove pipe at the seam and laying it flat and then cutting it with the tin snips.

Section of Dryer Vent PipePipe open with yard stick layed on top

STEP #2:

Next, cut a wavy pattern into the long edges of the dryer vent pipe using the tin snips. The depth of the waves should be approximately 3/4 inch. Make at least 4 waves on the edges.

Wavy pattern drawn on 2.5 inch section of dryer pipe Waves cut into 2.5 inch section of dryer pipe

STEP #3:

Smooth the rough edges using either the metal file or sandpaper.

STEP #4:

Recurl the dryer vent pipe into a circle and attach the edges accordingly.

This is what your pot stand will look like with the alcohol stove inside it:

Stove and pot stand

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