Windows for Workgroups and BPQ ------------------------------ The assumption is that you are starting with WfW V3.11 configured to use an NDIS network driver and that your aim is to be able to use BPQ with the same ethernet card as you use for your Windows networking. You need a copy of LSL.COM and a suitable driver for your network card - NE2000.COM or whatever. Some versions of LSL seem to give problems with BPQ, I use v2.01. (LSL is a Novell program). 1. Run Network Setup. 2. Click "Drivers..." 3. Highlight the network card and click "Setup..." 4. Set "Driver Type" to "ODI Driver". 5. Click "Ok", "Close", "Ok". 6. WfW now asks for some of your WfW disks, installs a few files from them and then creates a NET.CFG file, it's probably best to create it in your BPQ directory. 7. At the "Restart Computer" or "Continue" option, select "Continue" because at the moment you have network support which doesn't work. 8. Close Windows and edit AUTOEXEC.BAT so that it does roughly the following:- cd \bpq REM load the card driver. c:\windows\odihlp.exe odidrv 125 bpqcode c:\windows\net start etc... Edit NET.CFG so it's something like the following. Obviously set the driver and card info to suit your card. Link Driver NE2000 Port 220 Int 11 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_SNAP Protocol BPQ 8FF Ethernet_II Edit a port in BPQCFG.TXT to something like:- PORT ID=Ethernet TYPE=EXTERNAL INTLEVEL=125 MAXFRAME=4 TXDELAY=300 SLOTTIME=100 PERSIST=64 FULLDUP=1 FRACK=2000 RESPTIME=1000 RETRIES=10 PACLEN=255 QUALITY=10 UNPROTO=ID ENDPORT (Don't forget to run BPQCFG!) Reboot the PC. It should all now work... PLEASE NOTE - I am writing these notes some time after I first set up BPQ with WfW, so my recollection of the problems which occurred is a bit hazy. However, I can remember that sequence was critical! So, if you can't get it to work, make sure that the program load order in AUTOEXEC.BAT is the same as mine and that the order of the frame types in NET.CFG is the same as mine. Roger Barker, G4IDE January 1997